To market and to promote the affordable Digital ID View brand video security equipment with passion and professionalism for lasting results.
To provide distributors and their dealer network with timely and accurate technical support. We are committed to sharing the latest technology in digital video recording, building channel awareness, and forging partnerships with distributors who are serving the public and the private sectors.
To be an excellent institution able to attract, excite, and nurture diverse and committed staff with exceptional skills who know how to listen and learn from our customers.
Our Principles
Client centered, working in partnership, accountable for quality results, dedicated to financial integrity and cost-effectiveness, inspired and innovative.
Our Values
Personal honesty, integrity, commitment; working together in teams – with openness and trust; empowering others and respecting differences; encouraging risk-taking and responsibility; enjoying our work and our families.
North America Corporate Office
12000 Ford Road, Suite 110
Dallas, TX 75234
ISO 9001-ISO 9000
is a set of five universal standards for a Quality Assurance system. It assures that the customers will receive the products from a company that is registered under the appropriate ISO 9000 standard , guaranteeing the appliances will meet all their expectations. Our overseas manufacturing has established and is maintaining a quality system, which meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001 08.94 as documented in audit report no. 61021008301
Marking is currently required for many products sold in the European marketplace. Therefore, CE Marking of products is as a “passport” which can allow a manufacturer to freely circulate the products within the European marketplace. The marking indicates that the manufacturer has conformed to all the obligations required by the legislation. All the products of IDView Technology Inc. comply with the essential protection requirements of Council Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. In other words, all the products of made for IDView are recognized in the European marketplace.
The FCC -(Federal Communications Commission)
is the United States government agency that regulates interstate and international telephone, telegraph, and radio communications. The products from IDView have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A computing device pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications.
The UL Listing product certification Mark is a stamp of distinction awarded by the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) after testing and evaluating the product to determine it meets UL’s safety requirements for the U.S. and/or Canada. Digital ID View only uses UL listed power supplies for its DVRs and Lan Cameras.
Software Partners
Access Control Partners
Regional Sales Manager – Seeking independent thinkers with knowledge about IP based solutions, both in hardware and in software. This person needs to have at least a BS degree in electrical engineering or a related field. Travel will be required 75% of the time. Must be familiar with major players in the distribution channels for our industry, as well as the sizeable system integrators. Must have highly developed time management skills, ability to muti-task and be familiar with different social media for connecting with people 24×7. Must be aggressive, and bottom-line driven. Ability to speak in public and with confidence a must. Revenue quota is expected to be 5 million dollars annually. Please call Sandy at 972-247-1203 x7308 for an interview.